How is the discount pricing calculated?

The discount on Sweet Bonds is dynamically determined based on four pivotal factors:

  • Initial Pricing: Every Sweet Bond is launched at a set starting price.

  • Time-Dependent Price Shift: As time progresses, the bond's price diminishes, leading to an increased discount.

  • User Deposits Impact: The price of Sweet Bonds escalates when users make deposits.

  • Market-Driven Fluctuations: Market price changes can influence the discount on Sweet Bonds.

These factors are meticulously crafted to ensure the safety and integrity of Sweet Bonds while offering a market-fair discount. The Paçoca team has predetermined that the inaugural set of Sweet Bonds will commence with a 15% to 20% discount. As events unfold, this bond price will be subject to change based on the aforementioned factors.

Users cannot purchase non-discounted bonds. However, the prices of these bonds will wane over time.

Last updated