
Your Vote Matters!

How does governance work?

The Paçoca team initiates a poll, available for a set duration, allowing $PACOCA holders to cast their votes. Remember: One $PACOCA equals one vote. Those with more tokens have a stronger voting influence compared to those with fewer tokens. And the best part? Voting is entirely free — no tokens or gas expenses involved!

Eligibility: Who can vote?

To partake in governance decisions, you need to:

  • Hold $PACOCA in your wallet, or;

  • Stake it in any vault involving $PACOCA.

Still don't own $PACOCA? Purchase it on the Paçoca's exchange.

Voting Process: How to cast your vote?

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Visit tap on "More" followed by "Vote" at the footer, or click here for direct access to the proposals.

  2. Initiate a connection with your wallet by tapping the designated button atop the voting page.

  3. Browse and select the open proposal you wish to vote on.

  4. Choose your favored option and hit "Vote".

Voilà! Your vote is registered. Await the final results with anticipation!

Have you secured your $PACOCA yet, ready to shape the platform's future?

Last updated